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Anxiety is the jagged sides of a crystal.

With its sharp edges, coming out of a rock’s core like little knives.

This small display of shiny chaos is concealed---

Concealed in a dark cave of despair.


Anxiety is the slithering snake in tall grass.

You must be careful where you step.

One wrong move, and you’ll be paralyzed.


Anxiety is the beady eyes that stare.

The eyes of the greedy sharks around you,

Waiting for you to make a mistake.

If you do, you’ll eat cake in the wake of your shame.


Anxiety is the hazy shadow that follows you.

In the light, you can see it creeping.

In the dark, you can’t see it,

But, you know it's there.


Lurking. Growing.

It’s the monster out to consume you.


~Alice Scott 

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