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Morgan Williams

I Will Rise 

In a room that may be your own, but you would never know.

It is dark, unhappy, cold.

Things that once brought you joy, you can no longer do.

What feels like a heavy craving,

Wanting to feel a ball on your foot as you race down the field,

Or that feeling as you gracefully prance around on the stage--- 

To feel the wonderful accomplishment of having the trophy

in your hand, the sash across your shoulder,

Or the fulfillment of getting around that last defender. 

Missing those beautiful feelings is an understatement.

Now an absent hole in my heart 

Choking on the fog that is the unknown. 

What’s on the other side of my endeavor? 

Days where the future seems bleak,

Days where everything is telling me to “give up,” 

You feel like your body is melting in the floor----

“Give Up.”


That’s the day when I get up 

Look in the mirror saying “get up”----

Remember who you are. 

Just as the phoenix burns to ash,

It rises from the ashes.

I am the phoenix 




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